Research Talks
- Vortex lattices in anisotropic superconductors SIG XII, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, 25/6/24.
- Soliton crystals
University of Birmingham, 25/4/24.
- The pseudovortex approximation to vortices at high density Nonlinear Phenomena in Soliton Dynamics, Salamanca, 11/4/24.
- Skyrme crystals
SIG XI, Jagiellonian University, Krakow 19/6/23.
- L2 geometry of vortices
Prague Spring Amplitudes 2023, 17/5/23.
- Skyrme crystals
Mathematical Physics seminar, Cambridge 14/3/23.
- The L2 geometry of moduli spaces of lumps and vortices, mini-lecture course at the workshop Vortex Moduli, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore, 6-10/2/23.
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Typed notes by Jesús Aguado.
- The L2 geometry of the moduli space of vortices on the two-sphere in the dissolving limit
York Geometry and Mathematical Physics seminar, 4/10/22.
- The L2 geometry of the moduli space of vortices on the two-sphere in the dissolving limit
Gauged Maps, Vortices and Their Moduli, Les Diablerets, Swtizerland, 22/8/22.
- Geometry of vortices on the sphere in the dissolving limit Geometric Models of Nuclear Matter, University of Kent, 21/7/22.
- Geometry of vortices on the sphere in the dissolving limit SIG X, Krakow 23/6/22.
- Exotic magnetic structures in multicomponent superconductors 24th Symposium on Quantum Matter and High Energy Physics, Leeds, 7/6/22.
- Topological Defects in Multicomponent Ginzburg Landau Theory SIG IX, Krakow, 30/6/21.
- The L2 geometry of moduli spaces of P1 vortices Novel Vistas on Vortices, Simons Centre for Geometry and Physics, 11/11/19.
- Skyrmions coupled to omega mesons Topological Solitons, Nonperturbative Gauge Dynamics and
Confinement 2,
Pisa, 19/7/19.
- Skyrmions in frustrated ferromagnets at low
applied magnetic field SIG VIII, Krakow, 27/6/19.
- Complex length scales in anisotropic multicomponent superconductors Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics 2019, Bristol, 10/1/19.
- The geometry of the space of vortex-antivortex
pairs Keio University, Japan, 26/9/18.
- The geometry of the space of vortex-antivortex
pairs Korean Institute for Advanced Study, Seoul, 20/9/18.
- Skyrmions with low binding energies 1st APCTP-TRIUMF Joint Workshop on Understanding Nuclei
from Different Theoretical Approaches, Pohang, Korea, 15/9/18.
- The geometry of the space of vortices Integrable Dynamics minisymposium, Dynamics Days Europe, Loughborough 3/9/18.
- Mass splitting in the Skyrme model Low Energy Effective Dynamics of Skyrmions, Leeds, 4/7/18.
- Omega mesons and skyrmions SIG VII, Krakow, 25/6/18.
- Non-monotonic vortex interactions and type 1.5 superconductivity Correlated Electron Systems seminar, Bristol, 14/11/17.
- The geometry of the space of BPS vortex-antivortex
pairs Math Phys seminar, Cambridge, 16/5/17.
- The adiabatic limit of wave map flow in (2+1) dimensions Geometry Seminar, University of Augsburg, 14/11/16.
Point particle models of
lightly bound skyrmions 2nd Workshop on Geometric Models of Nuclear Matter, University of Kent, 14/9/16.
- Geometry of dissolving vortices SIG V, Krakow, 20/6/16.
- Geometry of vortex moduli spaces YDGD York 4/11/15.
- The geometry of the space of BPS vortex-antivortex
pairs SIG IV, Krakow, 26/6/15.
- The geometry of the moduli space of
P1 vortex-antivortex pairs University of Glasgow, 27/3/15.
- Extreme Skyrmions and restricted harmonic maps
UK-Japan Winter School on Topology and Integrability, Loughborough, 6/1/15.
- The L2 geometry of the space of
P1 vortex-antivortex pairs Gauged Sigma Models, Simons Centre for Geometry and Physics, 4/11/14.
- Near BPS Skyrmions and restricted harmonic maps
Geometric Models of Nuclear Matter workshop, Kent, 18/8/14.
- Ricci magnetic geodesic motion of vortices and lumps
Jagiellonian University, Cracow, 17/6/14
- The geometry of near BPS Skyrme models
Jagiellonian University, Cracow, 7/6/13
- Fermionic quantization of knot solitons
Workshop "Quantized flux in tightly knoted systems", Newton Institute, Cambridge, 7/12/12.
- Near BPS Skyrme models and restricted harmonic maps
University of Durham, 21/11/12.
- Vortices and the L2 volume of spaces of holomorphic maps
Hausdorff Institute, Bonn, 2/10/12.
- Solitons on tori and soliton crystals
Cambridge University, 20/9/12.
- Solitons on tori and soliton crystals
University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 12/9/12.
- Solitons on tori and soliton crystals
Mathematical Physics workshop, BMC 2012, Kent, 18/4/12.
- Long range vortex interactions and type 1.5 superconductivity 1st Symposium on Analysis and Quantum Field Theory, ICNAAM11,
Halkidki, Greece, 20/9/11.
- Quantum dynamics of a CP1 lump on the two-sphere Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 16/9/11.
- Wave map flow on a compact Riemann surface LMS Workshop "Geometry and Physics" in honour of Richard Ward, Durham, 7/9/11.
- Knot solitons in two-component Ginzburg-Landau theory University of Southern Denmark, 18/5/11.
The L2 geometry of vortex moduli spaces Newton Institute,
Cambridge, 24/2/11.
- Intervortex forces in two-component Ginzburg-Landau theory and type 1.5 superconductivity University of Warwick, 10/2/11
- Geometry and dynamics of vortex solitons
3rd Winter School on Geometry and Physics, Odense, Denmark, 1-5/11/10
- The sigma-model limit of two-component Ginzburg-Landau theory
Imperial College, 25/5/10
- A curious limit of the Faddeev-Skyrme model
Variational problems in integrable systems and geometry, Leeds, 15/5/10
- The geometry of soliton moduli spaces
MAGIC Postgraduate Conference, Leeds, 14/12/09
- Wave-map flow and the geometry of the space of holomorphic maps
Jagiellonian University, Cracow, 9/11/09
- Solitons and point particles
University of Leeds, 28/7/09
- The adiabatic limit of wave map flow
University of Kent, 15/12/08
- Supercurrent coupling in the abstract Faddeev-Skyrme model University of Tours, 28/11/08
- The adiabatic limit of wave map flow
University of Leeds, 14/11/08
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